Please Read…Our Official Email is [email protected]…Please Read
Family, we’d like to take a moment to clarify what our CORRECT email account is. Please email us [email protected] NOT at [email protected].
Briefly, The BxCRRB started as a grant funded feasibility study out of The Bronx Health Link (TBHL). TBHL created the BxCRRB@gmail account in 2013. Folx* active on the board, wanted to continue to work independently from TBHL. We established ourselves as a separate organization in December of 2019. Please use [email protected] for all future correspondence. For more about BxCRRB history, please see:
Our PCORI work developing our Community Engaged Research Academy.
How we ethically collaborate with Black & Brown communities as guests on Munsee Lenape lands.
*Folx is gender neutral and trans inclusive for “folks.”
We look forward to hearing from you!
One Love, The BxCRRB