Bronx Community Research Review Board

Bronx Community
Research Review

Dr. Monique A. Guishard

Monique A. Guishard, PhD (she/her/hers) is a Black Dominican cisgendered woman, born on St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands and raised in the South Bronx. Dr. Moe has lived in the Historic District, Fordham, and Morris Heights neighborhoods of the Bx for over 38 years. Guishard is connected to several health/disease communities: systemic food allergies accompanied by eczema and delayed fertility; additionally she cares for family members with diabetes, hypertension, and mild dementia.  Monique is a community social psychologist, an Associate Professor of Psychology and Deputy Chairperson, of the Social Sciences Department, at her alma mater, Bronx Community College (BCC). She is the chair of the Board of Directors of The Bronx Community Research Review Board. Dr. Moe’s relationship to the BxCRRB started in 2012, when she conducted a longitudinal ethnography of their research review process and community engagement activities as part of her doctoral dissertation. As part of a Memorandum of Agreement with The BxCRRB, Monique agreed to assist the board with sustaining its work after the NIH study that funded it concluded. Throughout their collaboration, Guishard has been committed to transferring as much knowledge, about research ethics and public health methodologies, to enable the board (and other community-based entities) to design/conduct research without having to rely on academicians. She was the co-principal investigator of the $250,000 Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington Engagement Award funded Community Engaged Research Academy (#3422). CERA was a community academic partnership between The BxCRRB (Dr. Daniel Korin), The Bronx Health Link (Barbara Hart & Dr. Hal Strelnick) and Bronx Community College. From 2016-2018 CERA created a restorative interstitial Brown educative space designed to nurture research ethics and research methods literacy among Bronx patients and caregivers. In many respects CERA is the afterlife of the board; it helped broaden the scope of The BxCRRB’s work and assisted the board with establishing itself as an independent organization from its fiscal and founding sponsors. Outside of the CRRB, Dr. Guishard has 16-years of experience working in partnership with: young people, parent organizers, aspiring participatory action researchers, and environmental justice advocates—on mutually beneficial research partnerships. Guishard is a board member of: CUNY’s Center for LGBTQ Studies, The Public Science Project’s Critical Participatory Action Research Institutes, The Bronx Community Health Network’s All of Us Project, Weill Cornell’s Clinical Translational Science Award Community Advisory Board, and Bronx Community College’s Social Justice Network. Her work pairs critical theory, lived experience, and robust Black feminist epistemologies to endarken mainstream research ethics paradigms. Centering community-based research ethics, outside of white stream ethics and federal regulations, are critical to Dr. Moe— to redress the trauma and humiliation research has imposed on racialized and marginalized peoples.  Lastly, Dr. Guishard is a co-Northeast Coordinator of the American Psychological Association Division 27, The Society for Community Research and Action. Email is the best way to reach Dr. Guishard: [email protected].

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