Bronx Community Research Review Board

Bronx Community
Research Review

What We Not Finna Do: Respectfully Collaborating with Skinfolk and Kinfolk in Black Participatory Action Research

We’ve been BUSY writing about The Community Engaged Research Academy! #WeBeWriting #BlackFeministPAR

This summer, BxCRRB members Marcia Stoddard Pennant, Drs. Monique A. Guishard, Devin A. Heyward, & Justin T. Brown published

a paper in The Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice (GJCPP) entitled What We Not Finna Do: Respectfully Collaborating with Skinfolk and Kinfolk in Black Participatory Action Research. (Click here for a PDF version:

This paper was a labor of love.

You can read it for FREE.

It is included in a special issue of GJCCP focused on anti-racist work. Please check out the introduction to the special issue here

( Direct link:

The BxCRRB would like to thank Drs. Jesica Siham Fernández, Geraldine (Geri) Palmer, & Dominique Thomas for the opportunity to showcase our work. CERA was funded by a Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute Eugene Washington Engagement Award Contract #3422.

Feel free to contact the authors!

They’d love to hear you:

Marcia –   [email protected]

Dr. Moe – [email protected]

Dr. Dev –  [email protected]

Dr. J –        [email protected]


One Love Fam! “

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